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Cyclone YASI hits the Great Barrier Reef!

Cyclone YASI hits the northeast coast of Australia with 300 km/h

In the night of 02 March 2011 the cyclone YASI hits the northeast coast of Australia. Most affected was the coastal area between the towns of Townsville and Cairns on a coastline of 240 kilometres, just where the Great Barrier Reef is very closed to the coast.

The storm reached wind speeds of up to 300 km/h and was classified in the highest category five. The cyclone developed in the area of the Fiji Islands and sought his way across the Pacific to Australia. First estimates suggest that, in some regions of the northeast coast destroyed every third house and damaged the infrastructure strong. Fortunately, despite all fears were only a few people injured and no one killed.

Is the sensitive ecosystem of the Great Barrier Reef threatened?

intact reef

Only recently, in 2006, the cyclone LARRY hits this coastline very hard with similarly strength. According to research, some experts found at that time a section of about 50 kilometres with strong demolitions in the Great Barrier Reef, in parts only with coral rubble in paths of destruction.

The question is, how damaged the sensitive ecosystem of the reef is after storm LARRY and the further destruction caused by YASI. Due to the global warming and consequent global coral bleaching, the reef is already severely threatened and endangered now by the growing and increasingly strong storms, which developed due to the high water temperature of the seas in scary way.

It is to be hoped that the reefs of the affected coast of Australia not resemble a coral graveyard, which are already visible in many places. The implications for the fantastic underwater world would be incalculable!



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